We’re the Foundation to Advance Vascular Cures, a nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming health outcomes and well-being for all through patient-centered research, empowerment, and collaboration in vascular health. Our team of physicians, nurses, public health specialists, caregivers, and patients is excited to bring you the courses, flyers, and other resources that are part of the Vascular Health Equity Academy.

The Foundation to Advance Vascular Cures’ Patient Partners helped design and review our resources to make sure the information is focused on the patient experience. These resources are designed to help patients better understand their condition and empower them to ask questions and share concerns with their healthcare providers.

If you are a healthcare professional or community-based organization interested in distributing our educational materials, please fill out our material use request form.

Varicose Veins
Flyer, Varicose Veins Katelyn Jackson Flyer, Varicose Veins Katelyn Jackson

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged, bulging superficial veins. They are generally larger than 3 millimeters in diameter and are usually located on the inside of the calf or thigh. Varicose veins develop due to weakness of the vein wall…

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This glossary can help you better understand vascular diseases and terminology. Access the glossary to help define any words above.