A Quick Look: Overcoming Nicotine and Tobacco Dependence for your Vascular Health

The Foundation to Advance Vascular Cures has partnered with UCSF’s Fontana Tobacco Treatment Center to create this module, called A Quick Look: Overcoming Nicotine and Tobacco Dependence for your Vascular Health. This module will cover several main points when it comes to quitting smoking/chewing/vaping, and provides a lot of helpful tips and exercises to guide you through your journey. It is meant to be an overview of many different tools and resources, and should take roughly 30-40 minutes to complete.

Smoking is one of the biggest risk factors for vascular disease, and quitting as soon as you can will make a difference in your treatment. It may be hard, but just like with other lifestyle changes, committing to quitting smoking improves your health and is ultimately one of the most rewarding things you can do for your wellbeing. 

As you go through this module, think about your own journey to quitting smoking - whether you’ve started yet, are thinking about it, or have tried before, this module has it all. There are also a lot of additional resources listed throughout the module, if you want to focus on one particular area. Be sure to take notes if you see something helpful, and return to this module if you ever need to remind yourself of the resources you have available to help quit smoking.


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